Lightning Motorcycles, the firm which showcased the formidable LS-218 electric superbike to the world, is now finally ready to produce said superbike at its spanking new headquarters.
While the world has been going gaga over bikes like the Energica Ego and Zero Motorcycles’ range of offerings, Lightning Motorcycles slipped quietly away from the limelight. This was after stunning the world with the LS-218 superbike, which is currently the fastest production motorcycle in the world.

Lightning has a brand-new facility that can accommodate a bigger production line in the future.
The 218 in the bike’s moniker speaks for the bike’s top speed which stands at 218mph (350.83kph). The electric superbike puts down 200hp, and has a land speed record in its name. Lightning also let it loose on the Pikes Peak, where it won its makers another championship. After this slew of jaw-dropping achievements, the firm went off the radar, seemingly another firm that went down due to lack of investment.
Just a few days ago, the top brass at Lightning Motorcycles announced that the firm has found a new home. Located in San Jose, California, the new digs is part of a multi-stage expansion plan for the firm. The bosses at the firm teased a picture of bikes being pieced together on what looks like a small assembly line.
The new facility of Lightning Motorcycles has five times more floor space than before, plus the capability to accommodate extended production lines. There is an in-house design studio and increased research and development capabilities. The office space is also generous to accommodate new employees.

It’s early days for electric motorcycles, and this one already holds a land speed record.
With the new facility of Lightning Motorcycles set to go live in the coming few months, heated battles between electric bike manufacturers are going to be brilliant to witness. It’s time for electric motorcycles to ride down the roads of the world, and Lightning Motorcycles is getting ready. Word has it that the Harley-Davidson LiveWire is also coming this year. Boy, are we motorcyclists in for a treat!